meenakshi pancharatnam

Udyad-Bhaanu-Sahasra-Kotti-Sadrshaam Keyuura-Haaro[a-U]jjvalaam

Vimbo[a-O]sstthiim Smita-Danta-Pangkti-Ruciiraam Piita-Ambara-Alangkrtaam |

Vissnnu-Brahma-Surendra-Sevita-Padaam Tattva-Svaruupaam Shivaam

Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim ||1||


1.1: (Salutations to Devi Meenakshi) Who shines like Thousand Million rising Suns, and is adorned with bracelets and garlands,

1.2: Who has beautiful Lips like Bimba Fruits, and beautiful rows of Teeth; Who smiles gently and is adorned with shining Yellow Garments,

1.3: Whose Lotus Feet is served by VishnuBrahma and the king of Suras (i.e. Indra Deva); Who is Auspicious and the embodiment of the essence of Existence,

1.4: I always bow down to Devi Meenakshi Who is an ocean of Compassion.

Muktaa-Haara-Lasat-Kiriitta-Ruciraam Puurnne[a-I]ndu-Vaktra-Prabhaam

Shin.jan-Nuupura-Kingkinnii-Manni-Dharaam Padma-Prabhaa-Bhaasuraam |

Sarva-Abhiisstta-Phala-Pradaam Giri-Sutaam Vaannii-Ramaa-Sevitaam |

Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim ||2||


2.1: (Salutations to Devi Meenakshi) Whose crown is adorned with shining Garlands of Pearls, and Whose Face shines with the splendour of Full Moon,

2.2: Whose Feet is adorned with jingling Anklets decorated with small Bells and Gems, and Who radiates the splendour of Pure Lotus,

2.3: Who grants all Wishes (of Her Devotees), Who is the daughter of the Mountain, and Who is accompanied by Vaani (Devi Saraswati) and Ramaa(Devi Lakshmi),

2.4: I always bow down to Devi Meenakshi Who is an ocean of Compassion.

Shriividyaam Shiva-Vaama-Bhaaga-Nilayaam Hriingkaara-Mantro[a-U]jjvalaam

Shriicakra-Angkita-Bindu-Madhya-Vasatim Shriimat-Sabhaa-Naayikaam |

Shriimat-Ssannmukha-Vighnaraaja-Jananiim Shriimaj-Jagan-Mohiniim |

Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim ||3||


3.1: (Salutations to Devi Meenakshi) Who is the embodiment of Sri Vidya and resides as the left-half of Shiva; Whose form shines with the Hrimkara Mantra,

3.2: Who resides in the center of Sri Chakra as the Bindu, and Who is the venerable presiding Goddess of the assembly of Devas,

3.3: Who is the revered Mother of Shanmukha (Kartikeya) and Vighnaraja (Ganesha), and Who is the great Enchantress of the World,

3.4: I always bow down to Devi Meenakshi Who is an ocean of Compassion.


Shriimat-Sundara-Naayikaam Bhaya-Haraam Jnyaana-Pradaam Nirmalaam

Shyaama-[A]abhaam Kamala-[A]asana-Arcita-Padaam Naaraayannasya-Anujaam |

Viinnaa-Vennu-Mrdangga-Vaadya-Rasikaam Naanaa-Vidhaam-Ambikaam |

Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim ||4||


4.1: (Salutations to Devi Meenakshi) Who is the beautiful Presiding Goddess, Who takes away Fear, Who bestows Knowledge and Who is Stainless and Pure,

4.2: Who has a dark splendour, Whose Feet is worshipped by the one seated on Lotus (i.e. Brahmadeva), and Who is the younger sister of Sri Narayana,

4.3: Who takes delight in musical instruments like VeenaVenu (Flute) and Mridanga, and Who is the Mother assuming various Forms,

4.4: I always bow down to Devi Meenakshi Who is an ocean of Compassion.

Naanaa-Yogi-Munii-[I]ndra-Hrtsu-Vasatim Naanaa-[A]rtha-Siddhi-Pradaam

Naanaa-Pusspa-Viraajita-Angghri-Yugalaam Naaraayannena-Arcitaam |

Naadabrahmamayiim Paraatpara-Taraam Naanaa-[A]rtha-Tattva-Atmikaam |

Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim ||5||


5.1: (Salutations to Devi Meenakshi) Who resides within the Heart of the great Yogis and Munis (Sages) and Who bestows various Siddhis(supernatural powers),

5.2: Whose pair of Feet is adorned with various Flowers, and Who is adored by Lord Narayana,

5.3: Who is the embodiment of Nada Brahma, Who is beyond all Existences, and Who pervades everything as their innermost Soul (i.e. innermost Essence),

5.4: I always bow down to Devi Meenakshi Who is an ocean of Compassion.


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